Dear Norman
Do you realise that (if I have read you properly) you have Sennacherib's beginnings (as co-regent) at the beginning of the reign of Sargon II, who recorded: "At the beginning of my royal rule, I... the town of the Samaritans I besieged, conquered. ... for the god ... who let me achieve this my triumph ... I led away as prisoners 27,290 inhabitants of it and equipped from among them soldiers to man 50 chariots of my royal corps ..."?
Now, given that I was able to align Sennacherib's campaigns in perfect order against Sargon's regnal year wars, then why not conclude the obvious: that Sennacherib was Sargon II?
My best regards
Damien Mackey.
I wrote this in response to Norman's article,
A Fresh Look at The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings.doc
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